A hybrid publisher that believes in timeless tradition, using modern technology.
SUBMISSIONS are currently opened for specific genres.
Artistic Endeavors is currently accepting submissions for a selective interest, that is scheduled to be released in 2024 and early 2025, in the following genres only:
Children, Tween, Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Non-Fiction, Sci-Fi, Suspense /Mystery, and ALL Holiday Themed stories.
If your work does not fall in one of these categories, PLEASE DO NOT submit it.
NOTE: If you do not follow these guidelines your submissions will be disregarded without a response.
Initial introduction
Send a query by email introducing yourself -- Include an Authors BIO along with a brief synopsis (100 words or less) of the book that you are pitching in the body of an email, (attachments will not be accepted) or submit by mail with a printed hard copy to the address provided below.
The next step is to wait for a response to see if we are interested. Typically this should take thirty business days following receipt of your introduction packet.
What if I sparked an interest?
You will be notified to then submit the following: The first two or three chapters of your manuscript (no more than 100 pages.)
A plot summary - must include the ending of your book
Your BIO
A Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (otherwise your material will not be returned)
Okay, what's the next step?
You will be notified to then submit the following:
Entire MS
A Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (otherwise your material will not be returned)
Any other pertinent materials necessary to assist us on the decision making of representing your manuscript, such as --Proposals, Website address (if applicable), along with any other further marketing materials already designed and available, regarding your work, etc.
Non Fiction Requirements
Initial introduction
Send a query introducing yourself -- Include an Authors BIO along with a table of contents of the book that you are pitching inside the body of an email or a printed copy to the address provided below.
The next step is to wait for a response from us to see if we are interested. Typically this should take thirty business days following receipt of your introduction packet.
What if I sparked an interest?
You will be notified to then submit the following:
Entire MS, including the Table of Contents, Prologue
Author BIO
A Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (otherwise your material will not be returned)
Any other pertinent materials necessary to assist us on the decision making of representing your manuscript, such as --Proposals, Website address (if applicable), along with any other further marketing materials already designed and available regarding your work, etc.
When submissions are open send all queries to:
Artistic Endeavors Publishing
Linda Daly
Westland, MI 48185
or email me at:
Our guidelines follow the industry standards for ms submissions.
See below for a suggested list of guidelines for works of FICTION:
Page Set-up
8 1/2 x 11 portrait
.5 for header and footer
1 inch – top, bottom, right, left
10 or 12 points, Times New Roman or Courier New
Double spaced
Tab indent
½ inch
Sentence Spacing - only one space between sentences.
The document should include:
Copyright page
author(s) name
name of manuscript
how many chapters
word count
number of pages of submission.
Dedication page
Acknowledgment page
Title page
Chapter One (following specs above)
Include the title of your work, your name in the Header and
Consecutive numbering -center, bottom.
New chapters begin at the top of the next page.
Your submission is subject to be returned, unopened, without
adhering to the above guidelines.