A hybrid publisher that believes in timeless tradition, using modern technology.

Linda Daly

Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4
Suspenseful Mystery

Book 1
My motto has been for as long as I can remember -- Anything is possible if you believe. Angels really are amongst us so BELIEVE!
Linda Daly – wife, mother of seven, grandmother, and CEO of Artistic Endeavors believes firmly that all things are possible with faith, determination, and, above all - imagination.
A Note from Linda...
Born on my mother’s twentieth birthday, I was an active baby, crawling by three months and walking by six months. Grammy--a soft-spoken, well-educated immigrant, forced to work in the factory to help support her children--was also a visionary and had often told me I was full of life because I was like a butterfly fluttering about to experience everything I possibly could. Poor Mama though had her hands full, when at eighteen months this butterfly had her wings crimped when I accidentally mistook 'Drain-o' as candy and swallowed the lethal blue crystals.
Having a full recovery, which some described as a miracle, with no ill effects, I grew up being told that our Heavenly Father, the power of prayer, and one’s own ability to believe, could make it so. Through the grace of God, I also discovered that your life can take on a new direction if you listen with your ears and your heart. Thank goodness I listened to a dear friend when she told me I should write.
Taking a great leap of faith, I now find myself on a path that has evolved many times. The journey has had many highs and lows but through it all, I choose to continue to pay it forward. For me, that means assisting other storytellers for I honestly believe that the story begins within and nothing is more enjoyable when you can create a holiday for the mind.
If you are a 'story teller' and would like a FREE snippet of a book that I've written to assist others in getting started in their writing endeavors then please feel free to drop me a line.
Love, Light, and Chocolate,