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Human Space Flights
John Elliott

John Elliott is the author of twenty-seven published works, and a writer for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of best-selling books. He also writes articles for a number of on-line concerns, and previously wrote book reviews and conducted editorial work for the National Audubon Society's and the Smithsonian Institute’s Northeastern Naturalist and Southeastern Naturalist through the Humboldt Institute of Maine. He is also a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. In addition to that, he has written numerous articles for the United States Department of Justice quarterly review, The Thin Blue Line.

There will be those who have a rather difficult time absorbing the information on the following pages and perhaps a few may even suggest that it is utter nonsense. But, no matter what the naysayers say, what you are about to read is all true.
Nikita Khrushchev who was in office until 1964, and now Vladimir Putin, both depraved and iniquitous dictators, denied all of what follows. They hid the truth from the world, erasing the names of all those fallen cosmonauts in order to appear far more technically advanced than the United States. But now the truth is being told, and they both have been proven wrong.
The point here is that the former Soviet Union under Khrushchev, sent up at least fifteen spacecraft carrying seventeen cosmonauts to their deaths, all while trying desperately to beat the United States during what was previously referred to as “The Space Race.” And, although it cannot yet be unequivocally proven, there may well have been four more human-occupied spaceflight attempts by the Soviets, all ending in utter tragedies.
On the following pages all seventeen fallen cosmonauts are identified by name, as are their space flights, and dates. It is the author's hope that it will bring some measure of comfort to the remaining family members who may have survived the previous Soviet era purges.
Buckle your seat belts, because what follows is both eye-opening and astounding! It has never been in print before and this is the very first book to ever be published that actually reveals the truth. Every human-occupied spaceflight from the early days until now, including all of the forty women and men who tragically perished during spaceflight attempts, is finally revealed.