A hybrid publisher that believes in timeless tradition, using modern technology.

A.V. and Don Queen
Don Queen, has lived primarily in Arizona, and is proud to be the youngest son of a urban legend, a deputy of Eloy during the Cotton Boom where deputies were killed, crippled or scared off the job except for one, A.V. Queen.
Following WWII, Eloy, a hot dusty "Cotton Boom Town” in South Central Arizona lived up to its Spanish translation, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
As a tribute to his beloved Dad, Don has taken on the task of republishing his father's book from the 1950's, including this time around he's included original crime photographs, original newspaper articles, notes that were kept by A.V. in his trusty notebook and relying on the childhood memories of an impressionable young boy who idolized his dad, Eloy's history comes alive.. "ELOY"