A hybrid publisher that believes in timeless tradition, using modern technology.
Our Authors
Alexey, flew for a CIA secret airline in Laos, chased elephant poachers in Kenya, led horseback tours into the Chilean Andes. The explosive pages of his novel, "Kingmaker" reveal not only a vivid imagination, but the experience gathered in a thriller life.
Erin grew up in an atmosphere of love for good books and excellent writing. Inspired by her parents, Erin discovered her own passion for the written word.
A native Texan, she and her husband live just east of Dallas, where she was born and raised. "ShadowWalk: The Gathering"
Stacie Coller has a BA in psychology and is a trainer, writer, artist, Reiki Master, and certified hypnotherapist. She is internationally known through her online business, and learning groups, and has facilitated workshops within the US; including the Center for Human Consciousness Studies at UNLV. She lives a peaceful life on a mountain near Asheville, NC.
Linda believes that dreams can come true. "Mine sure have--seven wonderful children, thirteen amazing grandchildren, a rewarding career in writing, and helping others see their words in print through Artistic Endeavors Publishing."
"Sea of Lies" and Paper Hanger.
John is a forty-four year veteran of Israel's Mossad and the CIA's Special Operations Group. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business, an MBA, and a Doctorate of Law degree. One of his passions is writting, and is the author of twenty-seven books, is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and has contributed his artistic endeavors to several other authors.
"The Adventures of Ri Ra" are just a few of his published works with Artistic Endeavors.
Neva is no stranger to Artistic Endeavors Publishing, offering her skills as an illistrator to one of our authors, Micki Peluso. We're overjoyed to add her fictional account of the McLeod family as they make the ardeous journey from Missouri to Oregon in 1861. "Prairie Elephants",
is based from a cronical she read about her ancestors over three decades ago.
My very own Superhero and I make our home in Northeast GA twenty-six years ago in NE Georgia with our daughter, and a sixty-five-pound ferocious puppy. My son, daughter-in-law, and our two “Little Sirs” live about forty-five minutes away, and within thirty-minutes of my mother and three of my five siblings. When I’m not writing or playing with my Little Sirs, you’ll no doubt find me with some sort of needle and thread in my hands.
"Kate's House"
Jane Ellen, grew up in the country. After a wonderful childhood, 7 years of college, and 12 years as owner of her own business, she purchased a 10 acre farm in her homestate of MI.Several years later, after a dear friend suggested she share some of the interesting and fun experiencing while on the farm, she began a new career in writing. "
John is a civil engineer by day and a family man all the time. It took great tragedy for John to discover his passion for writing. “Samuel’s Mission” delivered not only healing, but brought forth the awareness of the extravagant love that has blessed his life. The father of three sons and for nearly thirty-years, the adoring husband of a woman with a 1000-watt smile, great character, intelligence and a passion for fun. Start reading "Samuel's Mission: A Family's Return to Joy."
Bones MacDowell thrills in the excitement of a child’s face when they involve themselves in a story. From his past as a U.S. Federal Officer, and then attorney, Bones MacDowell draws upon life experiences to have children question and ponder what they read in his unconventional style. Is it any wonder that his released book,
touches the hearts of children with wonderment?
The Big Living House, Grandma's Killing Christmas, Duermit County Succotash Bash,
CJ lives with her husband of thirty-two years in New Orleans. She has served as Secretary and President of SOLA, the New Orleans chapter of RWA.
Her life moto? Anything can happen where disbelief fears to tread.
Micki Peluso, author of
"...And the Whippoorwill Sang", penned a story, part memoir, part Americana for one purpose. She made a
promise to her stricken child. From the beaches of Long Island, NY to the glitter of Las Vegas, NV--the majestic PA Susquehanna Mountains, to Staten Island, NY, her stories traveled with her. Micki writes fiction and non-fiction often based upon her family life. Her greatest achievement in life is her children and grandchildren.
Just ask them!
Following WWII, Eloy, a hot dusty "Cotton Boom Town” in South Central Arizona lived up to its Spanish translation, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" During the 40's where deputies were killed, crippled or scared off the job except for one, A.V. Queen.Know today by some as an urban legend "ELOY"
Don, the youngest son of Pearl and A.V. Queen, as a tribute to his beloved Dad, has taken on the task of republishing his father's book from the 1950's. In this edition are original crime photographs, newspaper articles, notes that were kept by A.V. in his trusty notebook. Relying on the childhood memories of an impressionable young boy who idolized his dad, Eloy's history comes alive. "ELOY"