A hybrid publisher that believes in timeless tradition, using modern technology.
Aspiring Writers Guide

While hosting a weekly chat for LSP Digital’s stable of authors and various other writers, Linda handed out weekly assignments. Those assignments are now the, “Aspiring Writers Guide.”
The Chat was called, "Marketing Your Wares". My goal was for everyone to build a solid foundation for their project.As crucial as it is to market your work, no marketing campaign will replace good writing techniques. Every writer while perfecting their craft must not only polish their work but realize that without creating a buzz you might as well just consider your writing a lovely hobby.

Linda Daly
As crucial as it is to market your work, no marketing campaign will replace good writing techniques. Every writer while perfecting their craft must not only polish their work but realize that without creating a buzz you might as well just consider your writing a lovely hobby.
There are hundreds of self-help books to help writes market their wares, all trying to share their secret formula to success. What is that sought after, sure-fire secret to success? No one knows for sure. One thing is for certain though, the competition is fierce. Precisely why "Aspiring Writers Guide" was written.
This step-by-step writers tool does not replace hard work, dedication and persistence, but it does provide proven techniques to organize and streamline your writing endeavors while including the foundation to a solid marketing plan that is intended to pave the way to future writing endeavors success.
Take a look-see at Linda's other work
The Doves Collect series
Book #1 Book #2 Book #3 Book #4
Other books from Linda Daly